Woman stole defibrillator from outside shop
Kylie Christina Marriner (40) was arrested by police on December 2 in possession of a defibrillator she had stolen from outside a St Clair shop.
The Dunedin District Court heard yesterday that the $2000 device had been switched on but no damage had been done.
“That, of course, is there for the public in case of emergencies,” Judge Michael Turner said.
The incident came at the end of a torrid six months for Marriner, who originally came to the police’s attention six months earlier.
In a phone call with her mother, during which she “ranted and rambled”, she ended the conversation by threatening to slit the woman’s throat.
So concerned by Marriner’s agitated state was the victim that she called police.
Before they attended, however, the defendant turned her attention to a stranger who was unloading groceries from her car.
Marriner said she would “get two car loads of my mates to come around and will f … ing cut you up real good”.
The victim retreated to her home and also contacted the police.
Within 24 hours, Marriner’s fragile mental state was on show again.
In Countdown Mornington, unaware police were searching the area for her, she annoyed staff and customers.
Marriner followed one, who had bought cigarettes, went out into the car park and asked him to smoke.
The woman said they were for her husband.
After making a disparaging comment about the man’s genitalia, Marriner attacked the victim, punching her twice in the face.
Judge Turner accepted that the defendant — who had not been before the court since 2004 — had a long and documented history of mental-health issues but he noted that much of it stemmed from substance-induced psychosis.
The victim of the car-park beat-up said she too had psychological problems and had seen a regression in her state as a result of the incident.
“I don’t want her to use that as an excuse because it’s not,” she said.
Counsel Chris Lynch said his client’s situation had improved vastly in recent months.
“She’s embarrassed and regretful for her actions,” she said.
Marriner was convicted of two counts of using threatening language, two of theft and one of assault.
She was sentenced to 12 months’ supervision and 100 hours’ community work and ordered to pay $100 reparation.